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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  February 4, 2013 12:00pm-2:00pm EST

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now before every exam every assignment the teachers try to be more explicit what is allowed and what is not. >> reporter: so ashleigh, she's explaining the changes that have happened at harvard since this all went down, that now teachers are being very clear on bhas collaboration, what's allowed and what's not allowed. harvard saying look, it took five months to review this to make sure it's been fair to all of the students, but there's been a lot of criticism of how this was handled by the university. some saying the penalty is too harsh and instructions weren't clear, ashleigh. >> all right. poppy harlow live for us as the bells toll as harvard. thank you. we are flat out of time. michael holmes will take the helm with newsroom international. my thanks to you. in new orleans, it is making news as the game itself, we are talking about that blackout that happened at the super bowl, you remember early in the game's third quarter, half of the superdome went dark. well, who is to blame? we have a live report coming up about a minute out from now.
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also in havana, cuba, the country's general election fiddle castro, the ailing revolutionary leader hasn't made an extended public appearance since 2010. and it's pretty significant. he's getting out again since there has been so much speculation about his health, of course. no surprise here he shared a message about the revolution. we have details on that coming up as well. also in the persian gulf an oil tanker goes down as the rig workers there franticly try to get to safety. video you have to see. that's coming up here as well. but first if you were there or watching at home, you notice that the second half of the super bowl did not go entirely as planned. have a look at this. as the third quarter got underway half of the historic superdome went dark. the outage keeping the players and fans waiting more than half an hour for the power to be restored. despite that flap, nfl
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commissioner roger goodell said all went well. >> the power outage was unfortunate incident, that we are looking into try to get the facts. there were no safety issues at any point in time. the dome personnel did an outstanding job, i salute our fans and our personnel, our teams, i think everyone stayed calm. and worked through the issues. >> roger goodell. in istanbul, turkey, police found the body of a new york mother of two, her remains found near the ancient stone walls in istanbul's district, police say she died from a blow to the head, also showed signs of stab wounds. our correspondent ivan watson looks into the situation. >> turkish police made a grim discovery on saturday. a woman's body hidden behind the old stone walls of this ancient city. within hours, police identified
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her as sierra, a 33-year-old mother of two, a native of staten island, new york. sierra had been missing more than a week, after disappearing during what was supposed to be her first foreign vacation. turkish police suspect she's been murdered. >> it has been determined she was killed with a blow to the head. for us to give concrete details of the case, we need more time to investigate. it's not right to say anything about the ongoing interrogation of the detained people. she was a tourist traveling alone. >> these are the last known images of sierra, security cameras caught her on the night of january 20th, walking alone inside a shopping mall. sierra flew from new york to turkey on january 7th solo, because a friend cancelled coming along at the last minute. she was an amateur photographer who shared her photos of istanbul's mosques and skyline with friends she met on instagram. sierra is believed to have met some of these instagram
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acquaintances during her stay in turkey and during a short side trip to amsterdam. sierra's husband steven sounded the alarm after she failed to board her flight back to new york on january 21st. days later, steven and sierra's brother flew to istanbul to help turkish police with the investigation. in an interview with cnn last week, it was clear steven, a new york city transit worker, was beginning to fear for the worst. >> along with her missing -- you are hoping that she's okay. wherever she is at. that she's not hurting. that she's not cold. that she's being fed. that she's not consumed with fear. >> reporter: the shocking news of sierra's death devastated her family. who have tried to protect her two sons from news of their mother's disappearance.
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this murder also comes as a shock to some of the residents of istanbul, a major tourist destination, that bills itself as one of the safest cities in the world. for the time being, turkish police are sifting through the fortifications of this city trying to answer the question, who killed sierra? >> reporting from istanbul. now, remember when britney spears shaved her head all those years ago. she did it as an act of rebellion. now a japanese pop star has shaved all of her hair off. why? as an apology. and many of her fans say she had nothing to be sorry for. cnn explains. >> a startling apology by a young woman who some say did nothing wrong. a 20-year-old pop star tearfully apologizes to her fans with her head shaved as an act of
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contrition. everything i did is entirely my fault, i'm so sorry. her mistake, she says, spending the night with a singer from a popular boy band. she has been demoted within the japanese super group akb 48. a group that started in this district of tokyo. i know she wanted to say sorry, but shaving her head is too extreme this girl says. shaving her head, it's a bit crazy. she is a japanese idol, i guess she does have to follow the rules of the group. while the girls are not banned from dating, they are encouraged to maintain an image of innocence and purity for their fans. but critics say the group's videos are anything but conservative. showing young girls in very skimpy outfits. and just how popular is this band? shows at this theater sell out almost every day and have done so for years.
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these days, there are nearly 90 members in the band, as well as off shoots in other countries. the fans choose who the superstars will be, voting for their favorites after buying a cd, of course. it's a music democracy, that is minting money, and again, generating controversy. cnn tokyo. >> we are telling you earlier about that outage at the superdome in new orleans, during the super bowl, extraordinary scene, you see here it goes half of the stadium goes out. they are in the dark or darkish, for more than 30 minutes or so. sort of put an interruption to the game. san francisco benefited a bit by play anyway. our sports anchor is in new orleans. what have you been learning about why the lights went out, whose responsible? >> reporter: i can tell you, i'll become a power expert of
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recent minutes. basically there is two parties. you have the power company that supplies the power to the superdome. and then you have smg, the operator of the superdome. and they are basically saying the problem started where the power was fed into the superdome. so that last night, anywhere around new orleans was not affected. it was an isolated spot in the superdome itself. and you saw the lights go out for about 34 minutes, it's because the power system detected an abnormality in the system, which then basically had them shut down a part of the system, which kicked in the backup auxiliary power. the auxiliary power kept us in some light last night. had all of the lights gone out i think a lot of the players and fans would have panicked. but the auxiliary power did, as you see in the video, kept some of the lights on. the escalator stopped working, the credit card machines didn't work during the delay for any sort of transactions through fans. the coaches were not able to communicate with the coaches up in the press box, because radios went out. but smg and the energy company did release a joint statement to
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shed light, no pun intended, on what happened. let me read you some of that statement. they said shortly after the beginning of the second half of the super bowl in the mercedes benz superdome, a piece of equipment designed to monitor electrical load sensed an abnormality in the system. once the issue was detected, the sensing equipment operated as designed and opened a breaker, causing power to partially cut to the superdome in order to isolate the issue. backup generators kicked in immediately as designed. intergee and smg coordinated startup ensuring full power was restored. the fault sensing equipment activated where the superdome equipment intersects with intergee's feed into the facility. no additional issues were detected. we will continue to investigate the route of this abnormality. the mayor also released a statement saying this was an unfortunate moment in what has been a shining super bowl week for the city. we spoke with fans right after
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that 34 minute power outage inside the stadium. they reiterated what the mayor was saying, this does not make the week a bad week, it is not an embarrassing moment. they felt like it was a great week. this was just an otherwise unfortunate incident that happened, roger goodell commented this morning in a press conference, this does not affect new orleans wanting to host another super bowl. they would like to have this game come back for 2018 to coincide with the anniversary of the founding of new orleans as a city. michael holmes, at this point, it doesn't look like we know much more than an abnormality is what they are calling it. >> joe, a lot was made of the fact the players had to wait. i guess they cooled down and the like. might have affected their game. what's being said about the difficulties they face? because really the game did change after this happened. >> reporter: without a doubt it changed. all of the momentum went to san francisco's side. in the end players said it took longer for us to lose that game. but baltimore, had they lost
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that game, i think that would be where the focus of the story would have been on the football side of things, because it seemed to really affect the football game positively for san francisco and negatively for baltimore. baltimore avoided being the victim of the biggest collapse in super bowl history. san francisco on the other hand just felt like at the end, michael, it just took them longer to lose the super bowl. >> extraordinary. good to see you, joe carter in new orleans. to england, now, an infamous british king turns up again after half a millennium. richard iii rumored to have killed his nephews in order to claim the british thrown 500 years ago and now scientists think they found his body. there it is, under a parking lot. we'll have that when we come back. cessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? and with all the points i've been earning, i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot
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make millions of dollars selling stolen crude on the black market or getting ran some from the owners of such ships. to washington, it's his first formal day as secretary of state, but john kerry is already reaching out to world leaders and confronting some of the diplomatic challenges facing the country. over the weekend kerry warned north korea against any new provocative actions. he has also spoken with leaders from israel and the palestinian authority. to southern california authorities are calling it a horrific scene, a tour bus rear ending a car and crashing on a mountain highway in san bernardino county east of los angeles. at least eight people were killed. authorities say they expect the death toll to rise. a highway patrol spokesman says it's one of the worst crashes he has ever seen. >> it's a terrible scene, horrific scene. there's multiple victims,
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there's personal belongings, personal property at the scene. >> from the crash site, paul give us an update on the efforts involved and the number of people injured. >> reporter: first off, it's a very grizzly task right now. because the bus rolled over, there are still victims trapped inside of the bus. presumably they are deceased. you also have victims outside of the bus, and you have many tarps in and around this area, some of these tarps covering two victims. for that reason, when we were speaking to the california highway patrol, they said yes, presumably, there are eight people dead. they expect the number to change and rise. now, another thing at play here, how many people were injured? we checked with at least five area hospitals. and we came to a count of 27 injured. and that is just those rushed to the hospital. and of those 27, six were critically injured, including a
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man who was driving in a ford pickup truck, and the bus, according to cal trans rolled over the truck at one point. we also know that there were certainly people on scene, who were treated and released, treated in a makeshift triage unit, michael. at least 27 injured. at least eight dead. we expect both of those numbers to climb. >> with tragedy like this we ask this question, what do we know about the bus company, and it's safety record? any word on that? >> reporter: yes. first off, the bus company is out of national city. that's right on the border with mexico in the san diego area. in the last two years, it had not had any accidents, however, we do understand that there has been a problem with maintenance, and that it scored very poorly in the maintenance category. why that might be important, all signs seem to indicate that the brakes were involved here. some witnesses saying that they
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saw smoke coming out of the back of the bus. so they will focus attention on the brakes, michael. >> paul, thank you so much. paul vercam enjoining us. a real tragedy. in texas annishac war veteran facing murder charges gunning down a former navy seal who was claimed to be the most lethal sniper in u.s. military history. police say that this man, eddie ray routh shot and killed chris kyle and his friend at a shooting range in texas. routh is under suicide watch in jail, charged with two counts of murder. our joe johns is in stevenville, joe, some kind of disturbance involving the suspect overnight. tell us what happened there. >> reporter: it was a disturbance, michael. the short version is that jailers went into routh's cell, apparently to remove eating utensils, and the sheriff says he became aggressive with those
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jailers, he had to be daysed. they say he was put in a restraint chair, kept in that restraint chair overnight. however, we are told the jailers have been ordered to release him, if he agrees to work with them. he has been placed on suicide watch. he's in a cell by himself. and the sheriff says he would like to see some type of a psychiatric evaluation of the defendant. >> what's next in the case against him? does he have a lawyer, any plans in that regard? >> reporter: right. a couple lawyers, in fact. both who are skilled in capital murder here in the state of texas. that's what he is charged with, the most serious charge that's because two individuals were shot and killed in that encounter, that happened on saturday. so the next thing that is expected to happen is a preliminary hearing, that would be a formal charging of the defendant, then we would get in all likelihood, a plea, probably
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a not guilty plea if he decided to go on to trial with the case. >> we know about chris kyle, he was a strong advocate for veterans. any reaction from them about his shooting? it was something almost myth cal figure among many in the military. >> reporter: that's true. and a group that he founded to help veterans put out a statement expressing sadness over his murder. we've also been told by the sheriff, there have been some threats, apparently, who have been issued toward the defendant, routh, and the sheriff believes at least some of those threats may have been made by veterans. so people appear to be quite upset in this small town in central texas right now. >> joe, thank you. joe johns outside of the jail where the suspect is being kept. shakespeare tells us richard iii killed his own nephews in order to take the thrown. but where did he end up? underneath a parking lot in
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england, that's what it is today anyway. the discovery of the king's bones and the skull that once wore a crown, when we come back. anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips'.
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. he is an infamous royal arch villain, talking about richard iii in shake peer's play about him, the key kills his nephews, so he can seize the thrown. but after he died in battle, no one seemed to know for sure exactly where his remains were. until now anyway. it turns out some old bones found under what is now a parking lot in the middle of england are the remains of the king. and that they have been there for 500 years or so. >> it is the conclusion of the university of lester, that beyond reasonable doubt, the individual exhumed in september of 2012 is indeed richard iii. >> big news for a lot of people. joining us is max foster in london. they obviously had to do dna, there were other things involved. this is a very detailed investigation, wasn't it? they weren't sure.
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>> reporter: it's an incredible story. you talk about shakespeare, he painted this awful picture of a villain, didn't he? what's interesting, there's a big group of enthusiasts who thought shakespeare got it wrong and richard iii was a good buy. they are behind this whole process. they sat out on this mission to find his grave as a process to rebuild his reputation. and what's extraordinary, they did actually find these bones under a car park in lester, and the bones had this withered back, twisted spine. richard iii was famous for being a hunch back and having a withered arm. he did have a hunch back. that is where they got excited. they asked the local university to try to get some dna from these bones. which they did manage to do. but that was only part of the puzzle. they had to identify a modern day descendant and they managed to find one, a carpenter based
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in london, 17th generations worth of descend ansi, they managed to find him and managed to match the bones dna to the dna of this carpenter. therefore, you have the story. today it was revealed. it was extraordinary. >> he is said to have died in battle. why did they look there? it used to be a historic site itself. but what happened to his body after he died? this is one of the clues, too, that he had a head wound and all that sort of stuff. >> reporter: absolutely. he died in battle. he was buried at a local church. but no one knew where the church was. because he quickly became a thing of the past. because he was beaten by another king, of course, that started it. we didn't know where he was. that is part of the story here, that you see all of these wounds to the head of the skull. it clearly was a nasty battle. and he ended up being stripped completely and dumped in this grave. so it's a proper tale of ancient
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history in the uk. it's amazing to think that people thought this story was long buried. but 500 years later here we are expecting a funeral now or reburial at least at lester cathedral. it's not over yet. >> long buried indeed. some saying, you can see where he is lying there, some say his hands might have been tied when he was thrown in unceremoniously, as you say. what do we know about whether he was actually as nasty as shakespeare made him out to be? >> reporter: well, the accusation, that shakespeare faces these days, is that he was a propaganda machine for the kings and queens. and they were out to give richard iii a bad name. so the modern day supporters of richard iii say actually he was a good guy. he did face a rebellion, but he was a good king, even if he was very short-lived. that is what they try to change. you will see this story develop. they will try to build evidence to show this was a good king.
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i have to say the royal shakespeare society say there is no way they are changing the character, he loved playing the villain. richard iii is the ultimate villain. >> now indeed is the winter of his discontent. good to see you, max. can you read plenty more about this story and see more video at do check it out. in the persian gulf an oil rig sinks, workers are still on it, we have the latest when we come back. plete multivitamin designed for men's health concerns as we age. it has 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day men's 50+.
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welcome back everyone to newsroom international. we take you around the world in 60 minutes let's talk about new orleans, of course they are trying to explain the power outage, there it goes at the super bowl early in the game's third quarter. half of the dome went dark. and in the persian gulf a $40
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million oil platform goes down in seconds. have a look at this. the australian herald sun newspaper reports it was an engineering rig in iran's oil fields. the accident happening last wednesday, but the video surfacing now. all of the workers on the rig actually managed to swim to safety we are told. in the united kingdom doctors say the pakistani teen activist shot in the head by the taliban is doing well. some good news. this coming after five hours of surgery over the weekend. they say she won't need any more operations. this really is an extraordinary story. malala yousafzai became a symbol of courage after she was attacked for her crusade to educate pakistani girls.
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doctors say they are pleased with the progress malala is making and we will hear from her in a minute. first we will bring in our chief medical correspondent. sanjay, good to see you. you are of course a neurosurgeon, you have done these types of surgeries before. sometimes in the battlefield, as i recall. explain for us what was involved in replacing this piece of missing bone in her skull. the most extraordinary thing is you have this girl shot in the head, she was so eloquent and speaking so well. tell us how you did this. >> reporter: it's extraordinary on many levels. there are all types of injuries. and certainly neurosurgeons want to know exactly what happened to the brain. what exactly the type of injury was. that makes a difference in terms of all of the types of operations. take a look, you have to look from the front, you also have to look from the side, to really get an idea of what the bullet, when she was shot at point blank range, what it did. it was the left side of her
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head. but look over there, important to sort of see that trajectory, it goes right by the ear, and you can see over there, the part of the skull that was removed. now, you may say to yourself, why was that part of the skull removed? the bullet trajectory seems further forward. the issue of what happens a lot of times, michael, there is swelling of the brain in response to the injury. the brain just gets angry and swollen, so taking out some of that bone there, as you mentioned, it happens in battle fields a lot of times, that provides more room for the brain. now the operation they are talking about, michael, i think we have a picture as well, is literally taking a piece of titanium and sort of covering up that area of the skull. you see it there, it looks just like that. the skin will go over that, and at the end of the operation, she should -- you wouldn't be able to see any of this. she would have a normal sort of curvature to her head. once again, as a result of that. but it is pretty extraordinary. it could have been a lot worse in terms of where that bullet went, michael.
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>> and i mentioned howell quint she was. let's play some tape of her speaking. >> it was that kind of success now they have removed everything from me. and i can also walk a little bit. i can talk, and i am feeling better. and it doesn't seem that i had a very big operation. it seems that just a little bit anesthetic injection just for five hours, then i wake up. >> but it was five hours. it was not a small procedure. but you look remarkably good for it. >> it was very nice. because there is no drainage system. i think everything is fine. it's better. >> good. good. and what's -- what are you looking forward to next? >> i think i would just get better very soon. >> she is just extraordinary,
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sanjay, english is her second language, let's remember that. we mentioned, though, the recovery thing, her hearing apparently she's deaf in one ear. we see the bit of a droop in the mouth. i think that's nerve damage, is that correct? >> reporter: that's right. if you look again and sort of follow what that bullet specifically did, there's a part around the ear, that's responsible not only for hearing. but also for the facial function, in this case on the left side. you notice that, michael. a little bit of dripping on the left side. they have done an operation to try to improve that function. it can take months for it to get better. she also, because of the hearing issue is going to have a hearing implant, specifically take a look. that's what it looks like. it's not going to give her 100% return of hearing, but having hearing in both the left and right ear is going to be a significant improvement for her felt just in terms of her activities of daily living. but think about it again, michael, you are alluding to this as well, this is a girl shot point blank.
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left side of the brain which is the side that controls speech, controls strength on the right side of the body. and she has made a pretty significant recovery with this final operation being performed. >> i just think it's amazing. she continues to be the activist that she was that led to the shooting in the first place. what is next on the road to recovery here? she looks like she is doing so well. what happens now? >> reporter: yeah. i think if there is any weakness on the other side of the body, left side of the brain controls right side of the body. there might be rehab there. you heard her speech sounds very good. probably work on improving the strength on the left side of her face. so that when you look at her, her face is moving more symmetrically. that's all -- that's not measured in hours and days. that's measured in weeks, i'm sure that will continue to improve. i'm sure she wants to get out of the hospital and live her life again. >> yeah. it speaks to the abilities of those doctors and a lot of luck,
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too, of course in many ways. speaking of which, a bit of a congrats to you, my friend. i've always wondered if there is three of you. i don't know how you do all that you do. and make the rest of us look rather pathetic and unproductive. but tonight is the premiere of david kelly's prime view medical drama, you are a writer on the series, it's based on your book, which you wrote in your spare 15 seconds a day. congrats on this, mate. it's tonight. tnt 10:00 eastern. are you happy? >> reporter: i'm happy. i'm biased. but i think this is a unique show. it will take people into a part of medicine they have never seen before. most people don't even know about. and let me just say it's a privilege to work, right? i like working hard, and just being able to in this case create a show like this, i think people will get something out of this. >> i never fail to be impressed if you are not writing papers or getting another qualification, you are writing a book or
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operating on somebody's brain or spending time talking to the likes of me. >> reporter: which i love. any time. >> you are amazing. good to see you. >> you got it. thank you. >> i have to switch gears and talk about this. an islamist cleric in saudi arabia, listen to this, says he beat his own daughter to death. and he feels he was justified in doing it. we will discuss this, when i come back. epp;o/ñ0/pt
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outrage intensifying across saudi arabia over the case of a prominent cleric who admitted to beating his 5-year-old daughter to death. we have been digging into this story. mohammed, this child died back in october. tell us what happened. why the controversy now? >> reporter: michael, the
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5-year-old was admitted last april into a hospital, she had broken ribs, crushed skull, extensive bruises and burns across her body. now, her mother tells us that she had been staying with her father, when this happened. and her mother accuses the father of having tortured the girl. and that these wounds led to her death some six months later. now, here's where this story takes a horrific twist. the father, we are told by activists, is a saudi cleric, somebody who fansies himself himself a tell vange lift who goes on television stations, preaches tolerance and says that it's good for people to repent to god so they can clear themselves of their sins. this case has sparked outrage since news started trickling out the last couple months. there are many prominent women's rights activists in saudi arabia who started a campaign trying to
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remind people of the injustice they say women face in saudi arabia, a country with a guardianship system where they say women have few rights. in this case, however, the father is being tried. we have spoken to the saudi human rights commission, a government backed rights group. they intervened in this case, they are providing legal assistance to the mother. there was a hearing yesterday. they say the father is behind bars. they say this assault wasn't just directed toward one saudi girl but every saudi girl. and they are seeking the maximum penalty for the aggressor in this case. michael. >> yeah. and apparently, because he thought she wasn't a virgin, is that part of the angle of this, mohammed? >> reporter: that's one of the horrifying parts of this story. the mother told me that the father was obsessed with the fact that he didn't think the 5-year-old was a virgin. he gave her what he called virgin tee tests.
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it is causing outrage. one of the interesting things about this case is the fact that word is getting out about it. there were times in saudi arabia, you would have cases of abuse directed at women with this kind of thing wouldn't be broadcast. you have social media, you have women's rights activists, they are take to twitter and youtube, they are saying there needs to be recourse and advanced legislation in saudi arabia changing the laws, so women have more rights, and so people can bring cases against abusive husbands and fathers in the future. >> extraordinary story. thank you so much. we will take a break. we will be right back here with newsroom international. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation.
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liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? . in new orleans, the super bowl began with alicia keys giving a moving rendition of the star spangled banner. have a listen ♪ o say, can you see by the dawn's early light ♪ >> the 14 time grammy winner played on a white grand piano in the middle of the field. some of the players tearing up as they listened to her. the audience cheered when a live picture was shown of soldiers from the camp in kabul, afghanistan who were listening
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to the national anthem and watched the game from there. well, the rest of the world loves soccer like americans love their own brand of football, in fact it's called football everywhere else. you can imagine the impact learning that hundreds of international soccer matches may have been fixed. the european law enforcement agency is investigating what is a huge corruption scandal. don rendle with the details. don, the style of this you have never seen before. you have hundreds of players and officials allegedly taking bribes from organized -- how does that happen? we are not talking backyard pickup games. >> no. these are real games. we have known for some time that some games are fixed. in some parts of the world perhaps they are more likely to be fixed than others. what is surprising here, the number of games and where these have been played. we are talking world cup qualifiers, european championships, these tournaments don't come any bigger and more
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prestigious, the top club competition in europe. we are talking 680 suspicious games involving 425 macho fishls, club officials, players, known krim nalts from 15 countries around the world. this is absolutely massive. and just to put it into context, the person giving these details earlier, he said it is clear to us, this is the biggest ever investigation into suspected match fixing in europe. it's yielded major results, which we think uncovered a big problem for the integrity of football in europe. we have uncovered an extensive criminal network. >> the integrity of futbol is the key thing. if you ask the question, well, what could be the fallout from this? once people start doubting results, that's it, isn't it? >> yeah. i've been to games. i've seen incredible turn arounds, incredible performances. you are amazed by it. you will tell your grandchildren about those games one day in the future.
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take last night with the super bowl, san francisco coming back in the third quarter, scoring 17 points. we all want to believe that's real. i am sure it was. but once you start thinking, well, maybe not, then you won't bother watching, you won't go to the games any more. >> who do they think is behind it? >> in this particular case -- >> who could pull that off and keep it quiet? >> when you look at the amount of money, that they apparently have played out of this, we are not talking about billions of dollars, it's kind of millions and low numbers of millions. but i guess if you just put small bets on here or there, perhaps it's going to be a lot harder to get caught. they are looking at an operation based in singapore, that has tentacles going everywhere. >> good to see you. don riddle joining us. here is other news. he hasn't been out in public more than a glimpse in years. fiddle castro was out in havana yesterday. we will tell you why, when we come back.
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fi . guess who showed up to vote in cuba's general election fidel castro. yes. him. the revolutionary hasn't been seen in public since an extended appearance in 2010. he's 86 years old now. his health hasn't been great. so pretty significant he's getting out again. rafael romo joins us.
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raphael, he not only showed up. he had a message about the revolution. didn't he? >> that's right. well, every time he appears, there some message that will get out. sometimes a long one. it's significant. this time around he spoke for more than an hour. it was parliamentary elections in cuba. he just wanted to make a point that he is alive and well. rumors fly when it comes to fidel castro. but he wanted to make sure that he spoke directly to the people of cuba. and when he was asked specifically by a reporter, what was his message to the people of cuba, this is what he had to say. of course this is fidel castro speaking in spanish, michael. let me translate what he is saying. he says i'm sure the people are truly revolutionary and have made great sacrifices, i don't have to prove it, history proved
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it, 50 years of the blockade, they haven't been able to defeat us nor will they be able to. of course referring to the u.s. embargo against cuba. trying to make a very direct point in front of the cuban people. >> it's interesting. we talk about here a communist country, and yet they are out there having this big election, the candidates were for parliament rule hand-picked. what was the point? >> there was a lot of political maneuvering inside of the communist party in cuba. the end result doesn't really change how cuba is going to be governed. but when it comes to the local elections, there could be a little bit of change in who is in charge and who is not. the communist party will be in charge. let me just read to you what a cuban dissident, very famous blogger said about the elections. she said what strange election in which there is no choice, and all of the candidates think the same.
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and then she goes on to call it a farce, just to give you an idea how the dissidents feel about this. >> 86 years old. he's still going. rafael romo there. he said weird stuff in the past. now the iranian president says he's ready to see the first iranian sent into space. we'll see what that is all about when we come back. [ female announcer ] today, jason is here to volunteer to help those in need. when a twinge of back pain surprises him.
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. welcome back now to iran, where the president is saying send me into space. a lot of people might agree ahmadinejad says he wants to be the first irainian launched into orbit. he wants to support his country's space program. last week scientists in iran did send a monkey into space. no comment. that will do it for me. newsroom continues, though, with ashleigh banfield in new york. over to you. thank you, michael holmes. he's been held captive for a week now, how a 5-year-old autistic boy is being held in an underground bunker. it is a hostage standoff. and was it an accidental theme at the super bowl, gun violence? how singer jennifer hudson, whose mother, brother and nephew were killed in a shooting, sang
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with the kids from newtown elementary. and the score was baltimore 28, san francisco 6, which snap, the lights go out. so who exactly is to blame for this? and where are the fingers being pointed today? this is cnn newsroom. i'm ashleigh banfield in for suzanne malveaux. we are entering day 7 of the hostage standoff in alabama. and when police start getting requests for what they call comfort items during a crisis like this, there is a world of difference between what a 65-year-old man might want and what a 5-year-old little boy would like. the 65-year-old vietnam vet is suspected of holding the child who was snatched off a school bus late last week after the driver was shot and killed. cnn's victor blackwell joins me from alabama. victor, what do we know about this? we had an unexpected update from the police at the last hour. do we feel like we are further
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ahead in this crisis? >> reporter: ashleigh, i can tell you that there have been news conferences called every day. several a day, more often than not they are cancelled. this one feels different. i will tell you why. because it was scheduled for noon eastern, of course we are at 1:00 eastern. there's been a person who came out to tell us that the county sheriff was coming out. he came out twice. and they have told us, they are now going to come back and give us an update when that will be. i'm checking my iphone now. i have been communicating with the spokesperson, who is part of this task force. and typically i ask him before these conferences are we going to get new information? he will be pretty honest with me. and i'm waiting for that update to see what maybe we will get out of this one. i can tell you from what we learned in the last 24 hours, you talked about those comfort items, and again, you say it's a difference between a 65 yeeshld and a 5-year-old. the details we've learned is that a red hot wheels car and cheez-its were taken to the bunker. things that a 5-year-old would
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prioritize. we still don't know what jimmy lee dikes the 65-year-old, what he wants, what his motivations are, what his demands are keeping those facts close to the vest. i doubt we will get those details at this news conference. hopefully we will get more information as we are in day seven 6 the standoff. >> this is such a sensitive operation. i know that you are quite a ways away from where the police are trying to do their very intense and important work. but do we know anything about the parents of this little boy? and if they have had a chance to come and speak through that pvc pipe to comfort this child? have they been involved? or is that held close to the vest? >> reporter: well, when you say parents, the only mention, i've heard from anyone, including the mayor, including officials is a mother. we have not heard much about a father in this situation. and of course, those questions have been asked. but i did speak with the mayor
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of this town. his name is verge ill skipper, i asked if those parents had been to the site. he's been in contact with them. he said no. they have not been. but the mother is getting updates every hour as requested. we know also that the communication there, you probably have the animation going, is through this pvc pipe. 60 feet from the road, down to this bunker. and that's how they are communicating with jimmy lee dikes, consistently every day since this started we have been told there is no reason to believe that the boy has been harmed. his medication has been passed on. we have been told by an alabama state senator, that this 5-year-old has as burgers. we have been told there was more than one delivery, they are called to this bunker yesterday, hopefully we will get more details when this news conference starts. already now more than an hour after it's been scheduled.
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they are holding us to get details from the county sheriff. >> victor blackwell, stay on it for us, please update us the minute you hear from the authorities down there. i appreciate that. on to the other big story, and before actually i move on. i want to let you know this hostage suspect is considered a survivalist. tonight at 8:00 eastern on cnn, anderson cooper 360 will take a look at underground survivalist movement. now that other big story. news from the super bowl. it wasn't just who won. but it was that the lights went out. pow. look at that. right? at the start of the second half. about 90 seconds into the third quarter with the ravens leading 28-6, about half of the superdome, the lights went out. the referee had to call a halt to the game. stadium officials had to work to try to fix the problem. the players were forced to sit there on the field wondering and then stretching, having a
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chitchat with one another. what else will you do? the more than 71,000 fans, however, mostly stayed in their seats, also waiting for those lights to come back any moment. but it took about 35 minutes before the power was back on. and the game, once again resumed. let's bring in our sports anchor joe carter, who is in new orleans for us. and the big question, joe, is how, why, who is to blame? and that seems to be still sort of a nebulous topic. >> reporter: yes. very much so, ashleigh. people are pointing fingers. you have basically two players, you have entergy, the power company that supplies power to the superdome. then smg, the operator of the superdome. and they released a joint statement basically saying there is a machine, that monitors the amount of power usage that is distributed throughout the superdome. that machine detected an abnormality. so what it did is automatically shut off power, the auxiliary power then kicked in. that's why the entire superdome didn't go completely dark,
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thankfully. because that would have caused a lot of panic from both fans and from the players. but the outage lasted, as we have documented, over 30 minutes, and during that time, the auxiliary power kept some of the lights on in the concourse for fans to be able to move around. but the escalators and elevators were shut down, credit card machines were shut down. fans weren't able to purchase vending items or souveniers during that time, unless they had cash. all radio communication from the media and the players and coaches were shut down during the outage. basically, the auxiliary lights were put on through the concourse, people were able to move around. this obviously lasted just over 30 minutes, so it caused a lot of chaos and confusion. what we are understanding now, the lights on the outside of the dome only went off in a quadrant. we know no lights around the superdome went out. it's actually a centralized outage, something that just happened within the superdome and around the superdome. and that the mayor released a statement saying it is unfortunate, for an otherwise outstanding week for new
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orleans. i talked to a few fans after the outage, they said this is an embarrassing moment for new orleans. plain and simple. it doesn't affect the super bowl. and roger goodell, the commissioner draersed the situation this morning in a press conference. >> the power outage was unfortunate incident, that we are looking in to try to get the facts. there were no safety issues at any point in time. the dome personnel did an outstanding job. i salute our fans and our personnel, our teams, i think everyone stayed calm. and worked tlur the issues. >> reporter: ashleigh, fans did stay very calm during the outage. there was a wave that started for about ten minutes during the time. so people kept in good spirits. this is the first time a a power outage happened in a super bowl. we saw it happen last season during a monday night football game between the 49ers and pittsburgh steelers. that outage happened two different times. then we saw it happen in the stanley cup finals of the nhl in
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1988 and 1990. this is a super bowl first, ashleigh. >> joe carter, thanks for the update. keep us posted, when you hear more about whose to blame for this craziness. joe carter reporting live. here's what else we have, he wrote the book american sniper, and appeared in the reality show stars earn stripes. this weekend, navy seal chris kyle was gunned down. we have the latest on the killing and the suspect. and rosa parks was born 100 years ago today. how the civil rights act vift is being remembered. this is cnn newsroom.
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get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. wrote the book american sniper, this is cnn newsroom. did you know not all fiber is the same? citrucel is different- it's the only fiber for regularity that won't cause excess gas. it's gentle and clinically proven to help restore and maintain regularity. look for citrucel today. your doctor will say get smart about your weight. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes.
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beautiful. as you know, 20 of their classmates and six educators died in a massacre there in december. and you may also remember that jennifer hudson has her own tragic connection to gun violence. her estranged brother-in-law murdered her mother, her brother and her 7-year-old nephew back in 2008. jennifer hudson lives in chicago. and our ted rowlands is live in chicago right now. this is a city that is no stranger to gun violence and gun deaths. what can you tell us to jennifer -- tell us about jennifer hudson's connection to singing at the super bowl, and herself to the tragedies of gun violence in that city? >> reporter: well, ashleigh, according to the nfl, they chose jennifer hudson to sing with the sandy hook elementary school just by coincidence, but for everybody in chicago who figured it wasn't by coincidence, it was a perfect choice. because when her 7-year-old nephew julian king was killed.
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it was emotional. and what she went through going to court every day with her sister grabbed this city. seeing her on stage with those youngsters really hit home for people here in chicago but also across the country, of course chicago as you mentioned has had a tough year already after a bad year last year with homicides, gun violence has already taken the lives of more than 40 people in the city of chicago. last week we lost a 15-year-old girl. this city more so than any other has had to deal with just horrible gun violence. and the fact that the gun debate is out on the national level has really captivated chicago and other cities that are dealing with this. >> ted rowlands reporting live in chicago. thank you. tonight piers morgan will continue his look on gun violence right here on cnn. hillary clinton is out, and john kerry is in. it's his first day as secretary of state. what he needs to do to fill
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hillary clinton's shoes. >> everything i do will be focused on security and safety of our people. we have tough decisions to make. i guarantee i will do everything i can to live up to the high standards secretary clinton and her team put in place. ha ha ha! no no no! not today! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dikembe mutumbo blocking a shot. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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chances are you spent this weekend watching a little football, checking out the super bowl. john kerry spent his weekend chatting with world leaders
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about issues like north korea and mideast peace. john kerry spending his first day, his formal first day as secretary of state today. he faces pretty tough challenges as the country's new top diplomat. joining me to talk about that is douglas brinkley, professor of history at rice university. thank you for being with us. i want your take as a presidential historian on what john kerry means to president obama's legacy, specifically as we discuss foreign policy and the next four years. >> well, it's going to mean a great deal. after all, two of the accomplishments barack obama is trying to claim is going to be getting us out of war in iraq and out of afghanistan, by 2014 we have to withdraw 66,000 troops from afghanistan. now, the military will deal with that. but john kerry will have to do a lot of diplomacy with pakistan, who are not really sure whether we can trust right now. i think that the key for kerry
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will be when we move equipment and personnel out of afghanistan through the routes to pakistan, kerry can get done deals out of that country that they live up to. >> of course, americans know him as a multiterm congressman, 30 years in congress in the senate. but what do the rest of the people around the world think of, when they think of john kerry? and what message are they getting, as he embarks on a job that will more than likely see them land in one of their countries? >> well, look, hillary clinton just did 1 million miles, that's a lot of transit for secretary of state. kerry will be doing that, too. but he's very much wants to get control over the building at foggy bottom. i spoke to him a few weeks ago. he was interested in finding out how respected colin powell and george schwartz were as secretary of state within the washington culture. you have to run that large bureaucracy. keep in mind, kerry grew up in
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world war ii in the cold war years, his heroes are the wise men of eastern establishment of george marcel, we saw around the world u.s. policy establishment. >> is he seen or even remembered, and this is going back a ways, when he came back as a navy lieutenant after the vietnam war, he led a protest movement against that war and tossed his medals at the white house saying thanks but no thanks. that's known here as well. is that known overseas as somebody who is well educated and as a solar was able to question foreign policy of the united states publicly? >> i think so. we are familiar with that story. here's a man who was an ivy leaguer, who volunteered for vietnam. he won three purple hearts, a silver star and bronze star. as you say he came back and rejected them. he talked about how immoral the war in vietnam was. that played well around the world.
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there is still swift boat veterans for truth and groups angry at kerry for that. globally that played pretty well. now kerry who is well known by denouncing vietnam, is in charge of getting us out of afghanistan. so there's an ironic link between the two wars. >> i would be remiss if i didn't use this opportunity while you are on live with me to show a long list of all of the books that you have written, and one of them happens to be the biography of rosa parks. today would be rosa parks 100th birthday. there is a commemorative stamp being released today. it's a significant moment in u.s. history. what are some of the more surprising things, that you learned about rosa parks, in all of your research for the biography? >> well, here in detroit we are celebrating her 100th birthday i am wearing her stamp. we had an unveiling of it. a famous december 1 bus is at the museum here in detroit. what people don't know about
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mrs. parks, she was a civil rights activist, secretary for the naacp. and she was feisty. once martin luther king was in birmingham with her and a guy ran up on stage and smacked king in the face, king dropped his hands to show nonviolence, i won't swing back. rosa park administered aspirin and a coca-cola to dr. king. she said in an interview i thought martin was crazy with nonviolence, i would have punched the guy in the face. she was not just a pacifist type of person. in fact here in detroit, she was very close, became close to malcolm x and some of the black power movement. she was a part -- of the church and was a buddhist later in life. she believed in one love, universalist themes and spent her life trying to help young people. >> it's fascinating. great reading, the anecdotes are
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remarkable. doug brinkley, good to see you. thank you. happy birthday, rosa parks. >> thank you. >> coming up, he wrote the book american sniper, and appeared in the reality show stars earn stripes, but this weekend, navy seal chris kyle was gunned down at a shooting range. did post traumatic stress disorder figure into this? tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 investors want. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 like no atm fees, worldwide. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and no nuisance fees. tdd#: 1-800-345-50 plus deposit checks with mobile deposit. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and manage your cash and investments tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 with schwab's mobile app. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 no wonder schwab bank has grown to over 70 billion in assets. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 so if you're looking for a bank that's in your corner, tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 not just on the corner... tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 call, click or visit to start banking with schwab bank today. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550
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. so what was the most memorable moment at the super bowl, in your opinion? some people are saying this. the moment the coaches, the brothers john and jim harbaugh did not hug each other after the game ended b. f. but had a moment. it was something nice. or was it this, early in the third quarter, half of the superdome going black after a power outage. let's bring in the former nfl player, coy, you played, you know the pressure that goes into this. i am assuming this was a lot to
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take in. i want to start with the harbaugh brothers. i think a lot of people were talking about the moment, they were expecting the two to cross the field. i don't know do something more brotherly than just the handshake and the fast touch. what was your take on it? >> reporter: i don't know if i was going to go that far. we saw jim harbaugh literally knock another coach over after a slap in the back. but it was a little cold, a lot of mixed emotions, you could really feel that tension there. i can only imagine what their parents were going through, where every play of the game they wanted to cheer, but they also wanted to get sad. it was an interesting dynamic there in that game, obviously. >> and i think, also, for john, i'm probably getting his words wrong, he said it felt awful at the moment that he knew his brother lost. that had to be a really tough set of emotions to wrangle with all those people looking on and the cameras and confetti. let me move to the mojo factor. when the lights went out and all of those players, people i am sure you can identify with, were
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having to figure out what do we do now? we can't leave the field. we can have a chitchat with one another, maybe stretch, maybe kind of think about plays s. that a mojo killer? because things changed after this. >> reporter: you know, i would like to think that it would be. but then i started putting myself back into my shoes, when i was a player. i remember not being able to fall asleep until 3:00 in the morning after a day game, because the epinephrine, the adrenaline, everything is rolling, these guys did not lose adrenaline or momentum. this is the biggest stage in sports in the whole world. i think they were internally ready to go. you saw them on the sidelines stretching, staying warm, catching passes. so it's one of those things that unthinkable, but i think that nothing was going to stop the momentum. but what was interesting, after that, it seemingly had a benefit for the 49ers, i don't know if they did sideline coaching.
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>> seemingly? man, they got a ton of points on the board after that. i mean, it really looked like all of a sudden, the ravens were shellshocked. and i don't know football. >> reporter: right. so i think maybe one thing that you could think of is that the coaches were on the sidelines and had more time to correct some of the errors, that had occurred in the first half. because there was some obvious changes there, from going from 28-6, and then after the power outage, they come back to get in that football game, become the first -- one of the only games in super bowl history to go 30 points or more by both teams. >> last question for you. the ray lewis factor, he's walking out of this sport with two super bowl rings and a lot of lore, not the least of which was the 2000 murder case in which he was involved. also this allegation about performance enhancing deere antler spray. what will people take away after the super bowl and this big win? >> reporter: what a fascinating story. there's such a dichotomy. you have a guy who is polarized,
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people love him or they hate him. and he obviously is an inspirational leader for the team. we know well about that saga, that journey, how that story has ended. but you have to look at guise like ed reed and joe flacco, who has gotten a lot of flak for seemingly not being able to perform in a big game. he's your super bowl mvp. went out, finished the season with a bang. >> coy wire you led me to my next moment. thank you for your input. it's good to talk to you. i will tell our audience, since you alluded to it. an hour from now super bowl mvp joe flacco is going to join brooke baldwin on her program here on cnn. and then also coming up, we will take an in depth look at the baltimore ravens linebacker ray lewis, we just talked about him, that role in the double murder case in particular. oh whoa. hello? yes. i didn't realize i'd be talking to an actual person. you don't need to press "0," i'm here.
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as a navy sniper, chris kyle was a killing machine, especially in iraq. he served five combat tours in that country. and he had 160 confirmed kills. as a veteran, kyle's legend only grew stronger. he wrote a best selling book, he became a reality tv personality. and he became a supporter of fellow vets, who are suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome. and ironically, that may have been exactly what killed him. kyle and fellow veteran chad littlefield were shot to death on saturday at a gun range on a texas resort. the shooter allegedly was a military veteran. 25-year-old eddie ray routh faces two counts of capital murder in texas. the killing has pushed ptsd into focus. i want to bring in dr. sanjay gupta, my colleague who knows more than anyone on this particular topic. i have learned in recent
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history, that ptsd doesn't necessarily lead to this kind of violence, can it? >> it can. but it's typically a more reactive violence. so who knows exactly what happened here. this idea of being predatorial in any way or planning violence, it's typically not related to that. if you look at violence across the map, violence using guns, things like that. it's typically not in people, if you look at all comers that have ptsd. it's not sort of one of the first things you look for. there have been cases like this, and if you look at returning veterans, about one in five, one in six of them have some form of ptsd. it's difficult to treat. >> speaking of the treatment, i think the last thing i would have thought of that would be healthy is to go to a place, where guns are being shot, but is there something to this? >> there can be. we don't know the specifics. we don't know if that was the goal here to try and expose somebody or immerse somebody? it's called exposure therapy.
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it's this idea be very detailed in describing what happened to you. they would say that after a traumatic event, sort of forcing the person to almost expose themselves to it in a very controlled setting. and then it has sort of grown over the years i did a story not that long ago about virtual reality, actually putting on helmets and exposing people into situations that may look like what they experienced on a battlefield, for example. that's a little bit of an example what that's like. again, in a controlled setting. so out of all of the various therapies out there, again, none are particularly effective. there have been small trials, looking at exposure therapy, using things like virtual reality. and it can be up to 80% benefit. >> i want to switch gears entirely, something on the other end of the spectrum. that's you with a very new role, like you needed more work on your agenda. >> it's a privilege to work. >> you wrote a terrific book called monday mornings, david e. kelly teamed up with you to
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produce -- >> monday mornings. we landed on monday mornings. >> it premiers tonight on tnt? >> it premiers tonight. i'm exited. it's taking people into a place in medicine i think very few people know about. a secretive meeting that takes place in hospitals where doctors openly discuss their mistakes. and it's been a lot of fun to put together. >> is it easier to do the scripted stuff or have to deal with the facts and work that stuff out on tv, is it more fun to write whatever you want? >> the left side of the brain does the facts. the right side does the creative stuff. it's fun to interplay between the two sides of the brain. >> just so you know what we are talking about off camera during the commercial break, he's training for a triathlon. >> i invited her, put a little pressure on ashleigh, all your fans out there. >> ain't going to happen. i'm thrilled for you. i don't know how you find the time, my friend. you have a wife who needs to be sainted. >> yes. and seen more often. >> it's wonderful to see you. congratulations on the show.
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sanjay gupta one of my favorite people. you can watch monday mornings tonight on our sister network tnt premiering at 10:00 eastern time. for a look behind the scenes of the show, which is even more exciting, you can visit'd it go? well, dad, i spent my childhood living with monks learning the art of dealmaking. you've mastered monkey-style kung fu? no. priceline is different now. you don't even have to bid. master hahn taught you all that? oh, and he says to say (translated from cantonese) "you still owe him five bucks." your accent needs a little work. i had[ designer ]eeling enough of just covering up
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they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. fi . senator john mccain says come on, people. it was just a joke. mccain was responding to the flak that he has been getting for rather slyly calling iran's
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president a monk eve. mccain made the joke in response tots iranian president talking about going into space. he tweeted this. so ahmadinejad wants to be the first iranian in space, wasn't he just there last week? and the tweet included a link to a story about iran launching a monkey into space. to all of those who were offended mccain tweeted this. re iran space tweet, lighten up folks, can't everyone take a joke? speaking of photographs making big headlines, now to the photo proof for all of those who wanted to see evidence that president obama does occasionally use a firearm, take a look at the picture of president obama skeet shooting at camp david. the white house released this photo over the weekend in response to critics who said they wanted photographic evidence after he talked about it during an interview. he likes to skeet shoot. the president is about to talk about gun control policies, he's going to take the podium about
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an hour from now. there's the live event right now in minneapolis, our dan lothian is standing by. dan, give me a feel for the president taking his new gun policy plan, the 23 principals on the road. is it the road show, or just a one stop deal? >> reporter: well, it is part of a road show. the president trying to put pressure on members of congress to really make some movement in order to curb gun violence, but also trying to get support behind his proposal, such as the universal background checks or the ban on those high capacity magazines of more than ten rounds or the assault weapons ban. so that's what the president is doing here today. but he's also wanting to listen to what local law enforcement and other officials have to say. so he'll be sitting down, taking part in a roundtable along with the u.s. attorney general, eric holder, also todd jones, the man the president recently nominated to head the atf.
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sitting down with these officials to hear what their story is. there's an important story here in this state and certainly in the city of minneapolis. they have been dealing with gun violence now for more than a decade back in the '90s, they had a record number of murders, but they have been able to reduce those numbers through a series of initiatives, such as beefing up background checks. there's been a youth violence initiative as well. which includes a mentoring program. so the president is here to not only push his policies, but also showcase a city, that has had a major problem but has been able to deal with it. >> as you wait for the president's comments, i want to go back to that photograph of the president skeet shooting, because it's incredible. you know, republicans were asking for proof of this claim, that he skeet shoots, then out came the proof and the critics said this is a stunt, and those conspiracy theorists saying this is photo shopped. what is the white house saying about this photo and all of the dominoes that have fallen since
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it's release? >> reporter: there's been a lot of controversy behind this photo. they want to see it. now questions about the photo itself. jay carney was asked about that a short time ago. he said there have been a lot of questions about the photo. and so the white house decided to release it. they have been sitting on this photo for a number of days, and then finally decided to release it over the weekend. one other interesting thing, he pointed out that the president has fired a weapon in the past in other places beyond camp david, though he would not specify exactly where that was and with whom. he said the president enjoys going out, competing with folks, whether it's shooting a gun or other things. but i will tell you, i don't think this is the last we will hear of the photo controversy. >> i want to see more photos. dan lothian, let us know when things get going in minneapolis. we appreciate it. the boy scouts, they are expected to vote on lifting a ban on gay members. and president obama is also weighing in.
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against smoking. >> he said you know we have to do something to convince these young people to quit smoking. and there has been a new study saying that it impacts virileit. he said this viagra is a big deal. this letter is hilarious. he said politicians don't like to talk about this. especially among young people. but young people are way more sophisticated than older people. and they get this. and it doesn't work to tell people they will get cancer or respiratory diseases go after the virileit argument. >> mayor koch died of congestive heart failure last week. and years after he left office in 1989, people were still asking him to run again. and he always declined by saying this. quote, the people voted me out, and the people must be punished. a wonderful guy. i want to move on to another
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story making news today, the boy scouts, that organization could vote on removing the group's ban on gay members this week, when the national executive board meets in texas. president obama even weighed in last night during a cbs interview. >> my attitude is that gays and lesbians should have access and opportunity, the same way everybody else does. in every institution and walk of life. >> the statement from the scouts says even if the national policy on sexual orientation is changed, organizations that oversee individual troops could still base their membership guidelines on their own principles and their religious beliefs. two former republican presidential candidates rick perry and rick santorum have come out against the scouts possibly lifting the ban on gay members. rick santorum calling this quote, a challenge to the scouts' very nature. the housing market is
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finally making a comeback. yes. christine romans explaining how in this week's >> reporter: this is what a recovering housing market looks like. and an inspector looking things over before a final sale. and open house where 92 different brokers stopped by. >> look at this. >> reporter: and home prices finally moving higher. in november, up 5.5%, the biggest gain in six years. and many experts agree the recovery is just getting started. >> 2013 should be a good year for the housing market. we expected the spring selling season to be quite robust. we got historically low mortgage rates with 30-year fixed below 4%. housing affordability which is reset. >> some sort of stool or something. >> reporter: low mort rates are a boon for first time home buyers. >> i think it is right time to buy right now. >> reporter: and for refinancers. this guy has refinanced twice in two years. >> if you can save even $100 to
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$150 a month, it seems worth it. >> reporter: you know it's real when the house flippers are back. >> i just love taking an old ugly house and bringing life back to it. >> reporter: as we approach the chinese new year, the year of the snake, sure there is a long way to go, but deutsche bank calls 2013 the year of the house. christine romans, cnn, new york.
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baltimore ravens linebacker ray lewis ended his career on top of the football world with last night's super bowl win. but it's really what he did during super bowl xxxiv back in 2000 that may forever stain his legacy. ed lavandera looks back at lewis' central role in a double murder case. >> reporter: the epic football career of ray lewis almost ended 13 years ago, outside the cobalt lounge nightclub in atlanta, just hours after the 2000 super bowl. a fight breaks out, and when the
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dust settles, jason baker and richard lawler are stabbed to death, left in the street. ray lewis and two friends, joseph sweeting and reginald oakley, are charged with murder. what unfolded next is a mesmerizing saga, and the truth is as elusive as ever as you're about to see. >> actually haven't been back to this area since that incident happened. >> reporter: this is the first time reginald oakley talked on camera about that night. oakley has written a book which we find he's eager to sell. >> from my point of view, i think, you know, it was self-defense. >> reporter: oakley says he was leaving the club with lewis when the two victims started arguing with their group, jason baker broke a champagne bottle over oakley's head and then it was mayhem. >> i had no idea that anybody had gotten stabbed or anything like that. >> reporter: so you didn't stab them? >> i didn't stab them. >> reporter: how did the guys end up with stab wounds if you're the one fighting them. >> you to read the book to find out. >> reporter: after the fight, they piled into a limo and sped
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off. i was never clear how two guys end up in a fight with two other guys and two of them end up dead, right? no one is ever convicted, and how they ended up with stab wounds. >> if you end up with stab wounds, what does that mean? somebody stabbed you. >> reporter: right. but you're saying you weren't the one that stabbed them. >> correct. >> reporter: so who could have stabbed them? >> you have to read the book and find out if i knew or not. >> reporter: are you saying you know who did it? >> you to read the book and find out. >> reporter: there are a lot of people who think you got away with murder basically. >> well, that's why i wrote the book, to clear up all that. >> reporter: you know everyone watching this is going to think that's a weird answer. >> no, it is not. i think it is an appropriate answer. >> reporter: all right. if that's the way you want to play it. we'll come back to reginald oakley. there is another element of the story you probably have never heard before, the story of what ray lewis was wearing that night. prosecutors said there was a blood trail, eyewitnesses, and a cover-up of lies that would prove guilt. the limo driver told
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investigators he heard oakley and sweeting admit stabbing the victim. both men deny this. other witnesses said ray lewis yelled at everyone inside the limo. there were 11 in all, to keep their mouths shut and not say anything. and that my football career is not going to end like this. but the white suit ray lewis was wearing that night has never been found. prosecutors suspected it was stained in the victims' blood and someone took the knives and suit and threw them all away, which brings us to edgarla garl ray lewis' attorney. where is the suit? >> it went to the cleaners and was in the suits that were in his closet. the prosecution didn't do the things they needed to do to get access to the suit. >> reporter: so it exists somewhere? >> i don't know that it exists now. >> reporter: prosecutors denied our requests for interviews about this story. the murder trial crumbled on live television, witnesses back tracked on their stories,
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defense attorneys eviscerated the credibility of many witnesses, it got so bad that prosecutors had to drop murder charges against ray lewis in the middle of the trial and offered him a plea deal. lewis pled guilty to a misdemeanor charge of obstruction of justice in exchange for testifying against sweeting and oakley. but even that didn't help. both of those men were acquitted. ray lewis claimed he was the peacemaker but oakley says that's not the case. was ray involved in the fighting? >> in my opinion, yes. i don't know if he was wrestling or fighting, but i know he was right in the mix there with everybody else. >> reporter: because his lawyer and his side have always kind of said, hey, he was trying to be the peacemaker in that situation. >> i didn't see that. when the police asked him what happened, he wouldn't, you know, come clean. >> he was not involved in the fight. he didn't cause it. he didn't take an act, a step or
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a statement to make this happen. he was no more guilty than the other 100 people on the street. >> reporter: no one has ever been convicted in the deaths of jason baker and richard lawler. for baker's uncle greg wilson it angers him to see ray lewis basking in the glow of football glory and redemption. >> redemption? you know, stop acting like you're one of the people to come out of the bible. >> reporter: you think on this day ray lewis knows what happened that night? >> oh, yeah. i hope it haunts him for the rest of his life until they die and then until they burn in hell. >> reporter: the most painful irony of all for greg wilson is that in a few years ray lewis will likely be forever immortalized in the pro football hall of fame, not far from where jason baker and richard lawler were laid to rest. ed lavandera, cnn, akron, ohio. live during this show, president obama addresses the nation


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